I was asked to stop being lazy and post an entry, so here it is.
I started my course three weeks ago and am quite enjoying it. I got a lot done in the first week so I could really concentrate on my assignments and am pretty much on track, however I am finding more and more ways to procrastinate. There has been much gourmet cooking going on, much to Ben's delight, and regrettably lots of facebook action. This I am working on.
It was Ben's 30th birthday a couple of days ago and for it we spent the weekend at Pukawa with some of his friends. We went white water rafting with Tongariro River Rafters on Saturday which was lots of fun and Brendo and I had a bake off on Sunday morning. I nade my wonderful banana bread and Brendo made some bonza scones. I think the competition was to close too call and was declared a tie.
I wish there was spell check inbuilt in this thing.
Work is going well. I have a shit load more hours next month which means I can start saving for Europe/ Middle East/ India/ paying Dad back/ a pony/ whatever. I've been asked to cover reception as the current receptionist is leaving and I'm really enjoying it.
I cooked my first lamb roast last night which was delicious. I am attempting a white chilli con carne tonight. It's white because it contains chicken instead of beef. Will let you know how it goes.
Loves xxx