It's Aussie Day eve and I am in NZ! Does anyone want to make an impromptu visit to the Shakey Isles to bury some Fosters with me tomorrow? Will provide food, bedding and sheep to chase...? Get in touch post haste and I shall arrange to have you collected from the airport in a gold encrusted Mazda 3.
No, really, it is very hard to concentrate on anything but air guitar with the Hoodoo Gurus playing. I can still recall the time, she said she was always mine. And she left, as people do, and forget what we've been through...
Back to ze riveting blog that I shall spew forth for your semi entertainment.
I am really enjoying my new job! It sucks that it's only a day or two a week at this stage but I have picked up a few extra shifts as the full time staff start to go on holidays in a couple of weeks. Should be crackers. It's really nice to be nursing again, I forgot how much I enjoy it. Once I start uni at the end of February I will have something to fill in my days off. Until then I am going to do puzzles. Really, really big puzzles with lots of colour blocks so it takes me ages to figure them out.
Speaking of uni, I am coming back for a brief visit and to head to Wagga Wagga to attend a residential school for a few days. I'll be staying on campus and meeting my class mates and things. I am very much looking forward to this! I plan to linger at my folks for a few days following, making a nui(my girl don't love me no more!)sance of myself and eating all their food. Mum (oh god, Tojo is my favourite song on this album) had a partial knee reconstruction last week so I'll make her cups of tea and rub her feet and be the good daughter that I sometimes am.
Today I am motoring in to Manukau to get my glasses fixed and watch a movie. My specs were accidentally elbowed off my head in the heat of a 'play fight' (Benjamin fending off my spin attack)a couple of weeks ago and are now slightly askew. I'm normally very OCD about my glasses being straight so this has been a very good test of my cool! Not sure what flick I'll see yet, whatever is about to start when I arrive I suppose.
One of Ben's colleagues from Aus is arriving for work tomorrow. He is staying in the little granny flat next to our house and I am bit looking forward to another familiar face being around for a couple of days.
What else.... hmmm.... oh yes. We are moving out of the guest house in a week or so, maybe. Our current arrangement was only ever temporary so our suitcases are still packed (mainly due to lack of clothing receptical)and we wait with baited breath for word that we can move out of here and into somewhere that we may be able to settle into. Even then, if the company moves someone with a family out here and they need the house we are in, we are shifted again. So the campaign has begun for us to move into a furnished apartment in town. Sheep are fine as neighbours but they make some weird gutteral sounds in the night. Quite spooky at times. I suppose human neighbours tend to do the same... hmmm...
Ben and I are doing great. I feel kinda sorry for him being my only sounding board but he is very patient and having just finished a massive solo stint in Asia, understands solitude better than anyone. I am very lucky to have such a great fella (cue bucket).
I think that just about covers it. The Hoodoo Gurus just finished and I am now listening to The Lemonheads. Must. Dance. FOCUS!
One last thing. Kids - eat your vegies. Apparantly I haven't been eating enough and as a result have developed a little sore in the side of my mouth. I am the new poster girl for malnutrition! I'm on the mend though - we did a good shop last night and got lots of healthy stuff and some multivitamins. Just need to keep my mouth shut for a few days and hopefully it will heal itself to hell.
Let me know your flight time this arvo/ tomorrow and I'll pick you up from AKL. Can't wait to see you.
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